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The SAP University Alliances program enables academia to educate the next generation for the Intelligent Enterprise and the experience economy, engage at SAP events, build industry partnerships, and prepare graduates for the SAP ecosystem.

(SAP 大學聯盟計畫使學術界能夠教育下一代智慧企業和體驗經濟、參與 SAP 活動、建立產業合作夥伴關係並為畢業生做好 SAP 生態系統的準備。)

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※Student Zone on SAP Learning
※Business Builders
※SAP Learning Hub, academic edition
※Coursera SAP Technology Consulting Professional Certificate
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※Cloud Solution Offerings from SAP
※University Alliances Academic Boards
※University Competence Center (UCC) and Academic Competence Center (ACC)