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New Free Offering for Teaching

An innovative gaming platform by HEC Montréal and SAP


Dear Academic Board APJC,

The World Economic Forum has recognized analytical thinking as the most essential skill sought by companies. Make your students future ready and equip them with a competitive advantage in the job market by bringing Business Builders into your classroom.
世界經濟論壇將分析思維視為企業尋求的最基本技能。透過將Business Builders帶入您的課堂,讓您的學生為未來做好準備,並讓他們在就業市場上獲得競爭優勢。

Business Builders is developed by HEC Montréal in strong collaboration with SAP.  It will offer gamified learning experiences that teach students to navigate large datasets and utilize visualization techniques to uncover meaningful insights. Business Builders promotes proficiency in data storytelling so students can communicate their findings effectively, emphasizing the importance of choosing appropriate visualizations for insight generation. It aims to develop the critical thinking and decision-making skills needed for success in the modern business landscape while developing in-demand SAP Analytics Cloud skills.

Business Builders 由 HEC Montréal 與 SAP 密切合作開發。 它將提供遊戲化的學習體驗,教導學生瀏覽大型資料集並利用視覺化技術來發現有意義的見解。 Business Builders 提高了講數據故事的熟練程度,以便學生能夠有效地傳達他們的發現,強調選擇適當的可視化以產生洞察力的重要性。它旨在培養在現代商業環境中取得成功所需的批判性思維和決策技能,同時培養急需的 SAP Analytics Cloud 技能。

Business Builders is designed by faculty for faculty, ensuring its use will enhance classroom learning and help you to connect your curricula to some of today’s most pressing business issues.  Datasets can offer new insights each semester, so games remain relevant and engaging over time. The platform will welcome learners at all levels of familiarity with SAP, including those with no prior knowledge of data science and programming. It is free of charge for educators and your students to play.

Business Builders 由教師為教師設計,確保其使用能夠增強課堂學習,並幫助您將課程與當今一些最緊迫的商業問題聯繫起來。 數據集每個學期都可以提供新的見解,因此遊戲隨著時間的推移保持相關性和吸引力。該平台歡迎 SAP 熟悉程度各個層級的學習者,包括那些沒有數據科學和程式設計知識的學習者。教育工作者和您的學生可以免費玩。

Students will be able to engage in three distinct scenarios, each designed to challenge them in specific areas of business management:

  • The Sustainability Scenario compels students to evaluate sustainable business practices based on the Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) methodology.
  • The Supply Chain Resilience Scenario challenges students to explore logistical complexities when a company’s transportation network is disrupted.
  • The International Business Expansion Scenario requires students to conduct market analysis to identify the optimal foreign market and tailor products for successful global growth.

Further scenarios will be explored in the future.

Explore the recent announcements in the SAP Sapphire News Guide and on the SAP News Center, or watch our video on social media.
探索 SAP Sapphire 新聞指南 SAP 新聞中心的最新公告,或在社群媒體上觀看我們的影片

Visit the Business Builders website at businessbuilders.games to get started. Controlled access with daily training and feedback sessions for faculty begins soon. General availability for classroom game play is in early August. Please take advantage of these special sessions hosted by the ERPsim Lab, and plan to include Business Builders in the upcoming academic period.  Starting is easy – simply register with your university email.
請造訪 Business Builders 網站 Businessbuilders.games 以開始使用。為教師提供日常培訓和回饋課程的受控訪問即將開始。課堂遊戲將於八月初全面開放。請利用 ERPsim 實驗室主辦的這些特別會議,並計劃在即將到來的學術期間將業務建構者納入其中。 開始很簡單——只需使用您的大學電子郵件註冊即可。

In addition to Business Builders and SAP Analytics Cloud, SAP University Alliances provides learning content and resources featuring a wide range of cloud solutions such as SAP Signavio and SAP Integrated Business Planning. Take a look at a few of the resources available.
除了 Business Builders 和 SAP Analytics Cloud 之外,SAP 大學聯盟還提供學習內容和資源,其中包括 SAP Signavio 和 SAP Integrated Business Planning 等各種雲端解決方案。查看一些可用的資源。

Let’s discuss how Business Builders and other SAP University Alliances offerings can support the learning objectives of classes you teach. I am always happy to help.
讓我們討論 Business Builders 和其他 SAP 大學聯盟產品如何支援您所教授課程的學習目標。我總是很樂意提供協助。

Best regards, 
Crispian Tan

Senior Director, SAP University Alliances APJC